Bridging the Gap Between Home and School Learning
Bridging the gap between children's lives while they are both in school and out. Cultivating healthy habits that they can share with those around them, regardless of their environment! ( Welcome back everyone! Can you believe we're already on our ninth blog? This course has flown by and my hope is that you can continue to takeaway new concepts and apply them into your everyday life and classroom. This week we will be discussing the connections between home and school. Let's dive in! One very informative video we watched this week involved a workshop led by Alan Newland, a part of the General Teaching Council for England. This short film was entitled,"Principles of Teaching - Partnership with Parents." I had the opportunity to choose any of the 5-Minute film festival submissions, but this one seemed to have caught my eye. The idea of recognizing the relationship between the parents and the school is something that drives the balance between school and ...